#NewThisDay Writing From My Photo Stream
My morning walk, Hale Street, Beverly, MA
Tired, in the most satisfied way, tonight. Again, waking early, by the sea, I am eager to walk. But I do some work on my How Pictures Heal online course, first. Then, the morning is fresh. Rain is expected (hoped for!). So I walk Hale Street, exploring some new sights, and then stop at the beach I like. A quick cold wake-me-up dip alone in the sea. It’s fun to be here; to have roomates to chat with. There’s no clutter to pick up, no meals to be made, no food shopping to be done. My twin bed is a simple thing to straighten. Vanessa has wonderful things to say about my poem in workshop today, and I am pleased. I admire very much the way she runs her critique workshop. We are in our third day, our intimate group together, and she gives us a very deep and rewarding process to experience today. No mid-day dip in the sea as I have the chance to walk with a dear friend who taught here for over thirty years. She is here at the conference, and I enjoy our walk and talk, her own trip down memory lane, showing me some special aspects of the campus. She has been retired for a few years. It’s fun to watch her explore the changes. This is a beautiful campus. My Play Lab continues to progress through our process. Hard work and fun. It’s a pleasure. After dinner, I lead a short webinar for the final zoom of my How Pictures Heal course—wow. This was a really creative time with them. I walk into sunset after that. I think a bit about Suzi; how I will miss our walks. And, as she left, how honored I felt to have been an important human being to her. Charlie, home with the family, is getting an extra dose of love and brushing and walking and petting this week, as he should.