#NewThisDay Writing From My Photo Stream
I raked and weeded, weeded and raked, early. Determined to get one more area cleaned up. A beautiful breeze, cool freshness. Later, a swim at the pool, sun on my back. Lots of prep for the weekend ahead. My daughter who is graduating and her dearest oldest friend spent the day here. Sweet memories of their pre-school friendship and its everlasting nature. Tonight, Frank’s father and his wife here for the weekend; dinner outdoors on the deck that I did not cook! Pizza and salad. To bed early for an early rising, to Boston, and the heat of the day rising.
Owl in Winter Dawning Brook, published in Mud Season
I'm grateful to Art Editor Kristin LaFollette of Mud Season for this interview about my recent art feature published in Mud Season On Nature, Creativity, And Connection- I loved her questions and what they drew out of me for a response about my process.