#NewThisDay Writing From My Photo Stream
Morning Brook
Up at 6, again, happily so, the bright new day in summer weather. Out in the yard barefoot. I walk with Charlie and Suzi (until I send her home to rest and not get lost). I walk listening to the birds, stopping at the brook, being quiet to prepare my thoughts for this morning’s Ukrainian therapist support group I will lead. I have something prepared and will improvise if need be. The group returns. Seems last week was meaningful and helpful. I lead another expressive arts session. An explosion of richness in response: spontaneous writing and art. I am so grateful and humbled to be in this space with these folks from so many places right now. Then, a special lunch with my dear friend, belated, for her birthday. Talk Talk Talk, whew! What relief to get caught up. My youngest comes home, we go for a swim together. What a fabulous wind blows summer in and around the yard and, yes, blows down the sticks that I have to pick up, but it feels so good. Prepped for my Charles River Writers tomorrow. Tonight, after watering the vegetable plants in the garden that Frank put in on Sunday, I made a poster, well, two posters, of pictures, for my daughter who is getting her Master’s Degree from Leslie University of Saturday in Drama Therapy.
At my desk during the Ukrainian support group