Poet, Playwright, Workshop Facilitator
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Welcome to daily nature photo and creative writing blog, #NewThisDay

Welcome to my daily nature photo blog

Writing from My Photo Stream ~ Kelly DuMar


#NewThisDay Writing From My Photo Stream

Turtle Rock

Blissfully warm and inviting day. I hope to get a swim in, and get as far as the parking lot of Farm Pond but need to return home. The special one is not in school today. We get a long walk through the industrial part involving the observation of many captivating machines at work. And then, to a nearby lake, a Resevoir perhaps, where we are wonderfully entertained by an acrobatic squirrel. I squeeze some writing time in. Craft another draft of the poetry collection description. I am getting some very valuable help from those I’ve asked. And revise some new poems into a triptych. While back at the house, Frank and I are able to see the new cabinets and floors! There is chaos, disruption and PROGRESS. Lovely progress. It’s so encouraging. I begin to imagine a Thanksgiving in front of the new fireplace. An evening with my youngest and dear friends, belly laughs.

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