#NewThisDay Writing From My Photo Stream
First business of the day: do not give Charlie breakfast. Poor Charlie. Surgery day to have a lipoma removed. (Lipomas, or fatty tumors, are fairly common benign growths in senior dogs.) And a stye on his eye. And the house swarmed by workmen. Painting the kitchen and downstairs! Tiling the front hall! Surprises all around, and more and more progress. I did not take a walk. I took Charlie to drop him at vet for his surgery, and took this chance to go back into the indoor pool and swim laps after weeks of not. How happy I was! So glad to be back. We were all eager to hear good news of Charlie. All went well and I picked him up and he hates his cone, but he ate and ate. and how happy we are he is home. Him too. And I made dinner, and even though we all seemed to eat in shifts, there is a gathering that spontaneously is happening at the new dining room table by the fireplace. Frank and I lingered, and were joined by my daughter, her boyfriend, then my other daughter. This is so exactly what we have pictured. The new table and chairs exceptionally comfortable, and the fireplace heat and flame drawing us in. I didn’t want to leave, but had to go to my revision workshop upstairs on my computer. And then, it started, and of course, I was glad to be there too, and I was pleased with the results of this exercise. Sleep well, Charlie boy.