Poet, Playwright, Workshop Facilitator
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Welcome to daily nature photo and creative writing blog, #NewThisDay

Welcome to my daily nature photo blog

Writing from My Photo Stream ~ Kelly DuMar


#NewThisDay Writing From My Photo Stream

Morning in the Charles River

Morning in the Charles River

September days have the warmth of summer in their briefer hours, but in their lengthening evenings a prophetic breath of autumn.
― Rowland E. Robinson

Before I walked this morning I woke early and wrote and sent my Aim for Astonishing weekly prompt––the first since June, as I took the summer off. Very satisfying, and I wrote about the monarch and my aunt. [If you are not a subscriber but you want to read the prompt, you can download it here. ] The first thing I did in the yard on my morning walk was go to the cone flower to see how my monarch was. She was perched on the very top of the purple flower, wings in, completely still. She had passed on. So, I whispered a wish for the monarch to take to the Great Spirit for me. Later, this late afternoon, I went again to see if she was still there. No sign of her. I got a lovely voice mail from my aunt and uncle, thanking me for meeting them yesterday at my aunt’s memory care. Frank says, tonight, how nice it was that we had a couple of smiles from my aunt. Today I weeded for four hours and still have not finished and I have quite a few new plants still to get in the ground. It was overcast and rained but I stayed out getting through as much as I could. Then, fell into a deep Sunday afternoon nap. Woke up to a massive disorder in the kitchen. We have a special one in the house who is not feeling well and wants only to be held. At 6:00 p.m. I looked outside and saw that it was dusk. Dusk! Perhaps, especially so, because of the clouds. But still––”the breath of autumn.”

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