Poet, Playwright, Workshop Facilitator
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Welcome to daily nature photo and creative writing blog, #NewThisDay

Welcome to my daily nature photo blog

Writing from My Photo Stream ~ Kelly DuMar


#NewThisDay Writing From My Photo Stream

At The Mount, Lenox, MA

At The Mount, Lenox, MA

Glorious September sun, and a four-mile run in the woods to start this day. I wrote and sent my weekly Aim for Astonishing prompt, and by then, it was time to water the gardens and then drive to Lenox, MA for an afternoon poetry reading at The Mount. My friend, Bob Carr, whom I have shared poetry with for years on Monday nights, was having a reading—in person! What a fabulous event, outside, on the beautifully landscaped historic grounds of Edith Wharton’s Lenox, MA, estate: four terrific poets and readings. Friendship, fellowship, poetry, all in person. Such a rich and hopeful afternoon organized by Neil Silberblatt:

Robert Carr - Developmental Editor, Indolent Books

Frederick-Douglass Knowles II - Poet Laureate of Hartford, CT & Professor of English, Three Rivers
Community College

Steve Kuusisto - Director, Interdisciplinary Programs & Outreach, Burton Blatt Institute, Syracuse University

Heather Treseler - Associate Professor of English, Worcester State University

Home happy, safe, sound, filled up with poetry.

At The Mount, Lenox, MA

At The Mount, Lenox, MA

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