Poet, Playwright, Workshop Facilitator
Sunflower Opening.jpg


Welcome to daily nature photo and creative writing blog, #NewThisDay

Welcome to my daily nature photo blog

Writing from My Photo Stream ~ Kelly DuMar


#NewThisDay Writing From My Photo Stream

Frank ski.jpeg

I hear Frank answer his phone, early. Neither of us has slept well; his shoulder/arm pain has kept him restless. His birthday phone call, I overhear from a half-sleep, from his father who cannot get here on his flight today after all. I fall back asleep. The next call is from Frank who has taken himself to the ER to have them X-ray his shoulder. Which turns out to be relatively okay––he has, for the past two days, gone water skiing, and then played competitive tennis right after. He is told his shoulder needs rest! It’s a happy day of errands, preparation, picking up rented tables and chairs, weeding and planting and de-cluttering. . . and a home cooked birthday dinner; all the kids here, and we eat on the deck. I’m so pooped. Even as he drops off to sleep he is asking me if I have bought enough plates and forks for tomorrow. I did walk this morning. Or, waded through the woods. Water, water everywhere. At least no more rain today. A first eggplant in the garden! Please, some sun, to make this garden grow.

Brook overflowing the trail

Brook overflowing the trail

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