Poet, Playwright, Workshop Facilitator
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Welcome to daily nature photo and creative writing blog, #NewThisDay

Welcome to my daily nature photo blog

Writing from My Photo Stream ~ Kelly DuMar


#NewThisDay Writing From My Photo Stream

Fram Pond

Fram Pond


"O most honored Greening Force,

You who roots in the Sun;
You who lights up, in shining serenity, within a wheel
that earthly excellence fails to comprehend.

You are enfolded
in the weaving of divine mysteries.

You redden like the dawn
and You burn: flame of the Sun."

- Hildegard von Bingen

Rain. I wake to it. I want to walk in it, but it stops before I go out. It’s deliciously wet and I see so much pruning and weeding that needs to be done, I start. Ah, we accomplish so much today outdoors. Frank buys stone and makes a path to keep the feet dry from the grass over the wet area of the canoe launch that floods often from the rain. He has stone left over that I use for my perennials in the vegetable garden. He works on the garden and yard all day–I plant all the sweet potatoes and the pumpkins. I see the bluebird this morning in the trees above. In the early afternoon I take an hour to work on revising the poems from letters. I give a few a pass: they are working. I think it’s possible I can be through this revision in two weeks or less. Then, I go for a swim at Farm Pond with my daughter and the dogs. Where is everyone on this gorgeous afternoon? The pond is still and white cloud covered and quiet. Where are the paddlers and sailors and swimmers? I swim blissfully around the island, at peace with all the stillness.



I'm pleased to share that Issue 8 of LEON Literary Review has featured a vast selection of my nature photos, paired deliciously with excellent writing. I call your attention to this one, (my photo "Circles") with a poem by Lucy Huhn, "Watching a Video of a Man Swimming Under Ice" http://leonliteraryreview.com/issue-8-luci-huhn/

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