#NewThisDay Writing From My Photo Stream
Forget Me Nots
“Much more surprising things can happen to anyone who, when a disagreeable or discouraged thought comes into his mind, just has the sense to remember in time and push it out by putting in an agreeable, determinedly courageous one. Two things cannot be in one place.”
― Frances Hodgson Burnett, The Secret Garden
I woke late, rested, and happy to see the rain. Pouring. I took my time, and loved going out into the spring rain. Everything so moist and vibrant and quick. The river pelted with drops, the ground muddy, the grass slick and green. I walked around looking at all we’d accomplished with the cleanup. White violets by the edge of the woods in the grass where they bloom every year have popped up. I think it’s the dogwood in bud, dripping. Yesterday, Frank asked me where I wanted him to move the log bench, and we decided to put the bench in the corner of the garden. I went in to see what he’d done and felt, yes, this is the right place. Then, I wasn’t going to do yard work today in the rain, but I picked up the rake, as I wanted to rake the leaves in front of the garden gate to clear up the entrance, and yesterday Frank moved the mammoth pile of old sod as well. I raked and raked, and decided to go in. But Frank was in the kitchen, home after tennis, and he asked if this was a good time to move the grapevine arch. Sure! So, we went out and first moved two tractor loads of old logs left by the garden, there for over a year, I’ve wanted them moved for so long. Want to ride, he asked, from his tractor, and I said sure. So we cozied up and I said, as we drove around to the other side of the house, I feel like we’re on a date! And he agreed. I felt like a kid again, side by side with my ride. We stacked the wood, rode back, took another load, and before I knew it, we had the whole mess cleaned up. Then, he pulled the arch up from the field and drove it right into the garden and then we called for my daughter to land it into its new home without breaking it. Now, this is the arch’s third home. And I love it here, inside the garden in back of the bench. The garden that is ready to plant. We went in to get clean and dry. We’re excited about working on the garden together this year, making it an enchanting and exciting place for the whole family.