Poet, Playwright, Workshop Facilitator
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Welcome to daily nature photo and creative writing blog, #NewThisDay

Welcome to my daily nature photo blog

Writing from My Photo Stream ~ Kelly DuMar


#NewThisDay Writing From My Photo Stream


" 'Tis spring; come out to ramble
The hilly brakes around,
For under thorn and bramble
About the hollow ground
The primroses are found.
And there's the windflower chilly
With all the winds at play,
And there's the Lenten lily
That has not long to stay
And dies on Easter day."
- A. E. Housman, The Lent Lilly, 1896


Today, the clouds roll on the river, in and out of blue. I stop at the next landing, and see the beaver has visited recently. There is fresh cut wood leaning from the water onto the land. I have a good long walk through the woods, looking for signs of spring. Still, only the skunk cabbage. I’m pleased to see, when I get home, that Feral Poetry Journal has released the “Weather” issue today, featuring my cover images––front and back––as well as my art and text assemblage inside. In the middle of the day I attend a virtual workshop with the poet Ellen Bass. So grateful for the chance, finally, to work with her after so many years of trying to find a way to get to one of her workshops in out of the way places in person. It was an exceptional workshop on poetry, and included a live visit from the poet Linda Gregerson discussing her poem, “Prodigal.” Just superb. Then I had a great writing and listening session with my Friday afternoon client, and the writing we did together was really engaging and healing, she said. A powerful process. For both of us. I had no chance to tune into the trial for George Floyd’s murder today, but it was on my mind, and I will read up on it before bed.


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