#NewThisDay Writing From My Photo Stream
Paschal Moon, Worm Moon, Almost Full Moon
This year, because it is the first full Moon to occur after the spring equinox on March 20, March’s full Moon is the Paschal Full Moon. This means that its date determines the date of Easter (April 4, 2021)! Read more about how Easter’s date is determined.
~Tbe Old Farmer’s Almanac
In March the earth remembers its own name.
Everywhere the plates of snow are cracking.
The rivers begin to sing. In the sky
the winter stars are sliding away; new stars
appear as, later, small blades of grain
will shine in the dark fields.
And the name of every place
is joyful. . .~ Excerpt from “Worm Moon,” Mary Oliver
No walk, but lots of walking. I decide to spend my walking time raking and clearing out gardens. There is so much to do in the yard to clean and freshen up. I put new pansies, purples and yellows, Easter colors, in the outdoor pots and this is a wonderfully cheerful upgrade to the yard, as all the grass is still brown. And two pots of lavender. One can never have enough lavender. I make good progress on the cleanup, and in the afternoon attend a poetry workshop on Zoom led by the poet Jennifer Jean, on The Poet in the Poem. Last night I had a sore arm and slept restlessly and despite the super illumination of this almost full moon, lighting the rooms, I am dipping swiftly into sleep, a necessary and satisfying rest.