Poet, Playwright, Workshop Facilitator
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Welcome to daily nature photo and creative writing blog, #NewThisDay

Welcome to my daily nature photo blog

Writing from My Photo Stream ~ Kelly DuMar


#NewThisDay Writing From My Photo Stream


. . . Ah but the dogs will save us all in the end & even the planet.

Not the superdogs but the household friendlies, always

eager to please, hysterically fond, incessant, carrying in the very

wagging of their tales an unbounded love not even

therapists could imagine; their forgiveness unhinges us. . .

~ Luke Davies, Excerpt from Totem Poem

I did not try to ski as it was warmer after the rain and I doubted it would be fun; so I walked in my boots. To the river, first, and I looked, and there, coming in from my left, a tall bright white swam skimming along right toward me. Well. Unusual! And, appreciated. A lovely vision on a gray morning on a black river. It was a pretty good treat. A promising surprise. I was tired, not enough sleep. Yet, a lot got done today. I had a warm connection with the author who I’m featuring in the IWWG Open Mic Sunday; I know her a bit, and this was a chance to know her better. And, she asked about me and my writing. How nice. I’m so pleased with the monologue course I’m teaching for the Transformative Language Arts Network; so enjoying what’s being written. I bothered myself by getting into an unnecessary disagreement with my daughter before my walk. We quickly worked it out. But it was too early for having a fuss. Ah, we are human. And in the afternoon my youngest was home and she was working on things, and I was working on things, and then when I finished I needed a quick nap and she was irritated because when would I have time for her? So, what she meant was, I am hoping to talk about something and need your support, and so I was quite able to do that, of course. By dinnertime I was not very energetic, but the girls wanted to make chocolate chip cookies, so I started dinner and it felt nice to be all in the kitchen together and dinner got made and cookies were baked (I did the baking part) and they were very much appreciated by all, and we had nice conversation by the fire. Then I had my poetry pals night and thought I had no poem to bring but I brought a very rough draft and the three of us dug into our poems with great conversation and camaraderie and I was much cheered and grateful for these good buddies in poetry crossing the miles with so much goodwill and sensitivity and smarts.

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