#NewThisDay Writing From My Photo Stream
Trees and Stars Before Dawn
How lucky I was this morning, to be woken by the Special One at 4:00 a.m. A walk before dawn, before the breeze blew up and the blue/purple star dropped sky above the trees, a gorgeous warming of the day to come. So quiet and calm. Today I did not get my meditation in, and it’s almost tomorrow now. But I got so much else. In these Covid times, a small gathering with good friends is such a rare and much appreciated pleasure. In the afternoon I made enchiladas and molasses cookies and headed into Cambridge at dusk to be—in person!—with the Monday night poets. A potluck dinner and wonderful conversation and relaxing time with each other. We each read a poem and we all wrote an Exquisite Corpse poem that was funny and gorgeous. My eyes, now that I am home and warm in bed, are closing on the memory of such a lovely day and night.