Poet, Playwright, Workshop Facilitator
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Welcome to daily nature photo and creative writing blog, #NewThisDay

Welcome to my daily nature photo blog

Writing from My Photo Stream ~ Kelly DuMar


#NewThisDay Writing From My Photo Stream


Funny, I kept the tv off while we slept, as Frank had requested. Then woke around 3:00 a.m., and found he was awake and tuned into the news! Then, fortunately, I fell easily back to sleep. I walked into the day not yet sunny, but growing clear and warm. November summer is here. My cross country skis still lean against the garage where I left them less than a week ago. I spent a lot of time outdoors today; so hard to stay indoors in this summer weather. Around noon I felt happy, like celebrating that this election is nearing a conclusion. I texted my friend: want to plunge? Yes! She wanted to plunge with me into Farm Pond from her dock. So, in the early afternoon, I drove the pig food to Unity Farm, said a quick hello to Osa and Leona, left all the scraps, and headed to my friend’s dock. The sun poured on our heads, warmed our skin. We were giddy, cheerful, down the stone steps. Quickly, we were diving head first into the gorgeous chill! Ow! Wow! Wow! I was sizzling with ache and freeze, but my arms and head were tingling with feeling alive. We hooted and hollered with happiness and shock. I got out and grabbed my towel, But my friend was ready for a second plunge, so I plunged again too! Ow! Wow! Wow! It was a chilling thrill. We laughed and felt the rush of adrenaline and warmth of the air, the clash of temperatures was heartening. By the time we were back at the top of the hill I was growing comfortably warm in the sun. It felt so good. It’s becoming a bit of a habit, I think. And the weather forecast is summer, here, for the next few days. I better put the skis away. My youngest came home with a phenomenal carrot cake from the bakery, cheering us all. I made two dinners in the late afternoon: one for a dear friend recovering from surgery, chicken marsala. And Frank drove the dinner to her house while I made dinner number two: homemade butternut squash and asparagus pizzas. Then, I was truly tired, but quite satisfied. Tonight, Frank joined me and we attended a poetry reading online, my workshop leader, Tom Daley, and it was very moving and a lovely end to this happy day.

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I hope you’ll join me! Register here.

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