Poet, Playwright, Workshop Facilitator
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Welcome to daily nature photo and creative writing blog, #NewThisDay

Welcome to my daily nature photo blog

Writing from My Photo Stream ~ Kelly DuMar


#NewThisDay Writing From My Photo Stream


Post-swim high 

The fabled after swim high is a real thing, as the mix of exercise and cold water exposure triggers a release of dopamine, the body's feel good hormone. If you swim with a buddy or in a group the chance to share and compare your experience with like-minded people intensifies the experience. 

~ The health benefits of cold water swimming

It was awhile, after waking, that I remembered what day it is. My birthday. Frank was up earlier than me, in a meeting. Charlie and Suzi greeted me warmly, and we went out early into the damp, cloudy morning. I felt refreshed, cheerful, and I found a single blue forget-me-not blooming in the wetlands. That’s how everyone feels on her birthday, I think. And I had many texts and happy interruptions from friends and family remembering me. At the end of my walk, I thought, suddenly, why don’t I take a birthday plunge? So, Charlie and Suzi were game. We hopped in the car with a towel and drove to my friend’s dock. We trotted down the winding steps overlooking the pond. Charlie fished as I stripped and dove into the frigid cold, surfaced with a gasp and massive chill. And then I caught my breath. I breathed. I felt the sting and the ache and the joy. All the trees are muted now, the pond was dark and cool and lovely and lonely. I did a bit of movement around, I felt myself acclimate. I could stand it. Not for long, but I enjoyed being immersed. And then I climbed out, grabbed my towel and felt exhilarated as I ran up the steps to the car and turned on the heat. The high of this jaunt lasted and lasted. A fun shock to my system. I want to do it again soon and talked to my daughters about planning a Thanksgiving Day plunge. My day was busy and fun. Full of flowers and messages and treats. And a special call I made to a dear family friend of decades, Max, who shares my birthday, my dear friend from New Mexico, who year after year, as I was growing up, ever since we discovered our shared birthday, called me to wish me a happy birthday, and this sweet friend always made my day extra special. And he has Parkinson’s now. So, I made the call. And his wife, Cherie, put him on, and what a joy to hear him say my name and we laughed like I was nine years old again and he was showing me his driver’s licence to convince me of his birthday. Then, a lovely dinner by the fire, cooked by my husband, and off to my Monday night poetry workshop, with a poem from the letters I wrote today. I go to sleep quite satisfied.

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