Poet, Playwright, Workshop Facilitator
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Welcome to daily nature photo and creative writing blog, #NewThisDay

Welcome to my daily nature photo blog

Writing from My Photo Stream ~ Kelly DuMar


#NewThisDay Writing From My Photo Stream

Trillium in Ferns

Trillium in Ferns

A day starting with blue sky and no clouds over the river after another night of rain. My transplant ferns are thriving. All the plants in the woods are dripping with rain. As I walk I have an impulse to listen to music, specifically, to “Journey Dance,” a recording I bought a couple of years ago while at a Kripalu Yoga Retreat: I listen as I walk, unselfconsciously, I am alone in these woods with the dogs in the quiet morning, sheltered by trees. It is a powerful place to call on my creative spirit.

Tonight the windows are open to warmth and soft, methodical sounds of the insects in the grass. This afternoon, at a graduation party, I met a mother of a daughter the same age as my middle daughter, and we realized we had a shared history of our daughters going through a dark period of their teenage years at the same time. A kindred spirit, I felt so glad to meet her, and to know we had such similar trials, such similar recoveries. We hugged when we parted. This was a highlight of my day: giving deep understanding; feeling it in return.

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