Poet, Playwright, Workshop Facilitator
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Welcome to daily nature photo and creative writing blog, #NewThisDay

Welcome to my daily nature photo blog

Writing from My Photo Stream ~ Kelly DuMar


#NewThisDay Writing From My Photo Stream

Charles River Morning

Charles River Morning

It is the season of finding broken open eggs. Today, under a tree in our yard, this white one, under a blue sky. Sunshine the whole happy day. In the woods, on lady slipper row, the slippers are not yet open, but soon. In the mud, the maple wings are standing up from their spinning twisting fall to earth. In sunshine, it’s inevitable: mood lifts. Strange tonight, after dinner, the sky still bright and blue as it weren’t evening at all, but just the day lasting and lasting. Time mostly with my husband today. Errands. A doctor’s appointment and a trip to the nursery to buy plants. I find the loveliest hydrangeas for the yard called Wedding Dress hydrangeas. I buy four. I push the wagons, do all the lifting. He wants two bags of bird seed for his feeders on the deck. The birds visit him in this quieter time. We manage a trip to the supermarket, and then, it’s sitting for him, most of the rest of the day. Bird watching. And a visit from our middle daughter in the afternoon, cheerful, talkative, energetic, loving. I send her home with one of the hydrangeas to plant in her yard with her fiance so it will always remind her of this lovely spring of being engaged. I hope to get the others in the ground this weekend. On my walk the woods were full of birdsong and I listened and let the lovely noise of the birds move me into a peaceful and quiet mind.

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