Poet, Playwright, Workshop Facilitator
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Welcome to daily nature photo and creative writing blog, #NewThisDay

Welcome to my daily nature photo blog

Writing from My Photo Stream ~ Kelly DuMar


#NewThisDay Writing From My Photo Stream

A Little Necessary Light and Fluff and Softness in the Meadow

A Little Necessary Light and Fluff and Softness in the Meadow

In 2015, I received twelve acceptances. That means my acceptance rate was roughly 5%. While that number might look discouraging—so many rejections for so few acceptances!—the reality is that I think I did pretty well.

In 2015, my short stories were accepted by nine publications: Kenyon ReviewKenyon Review OnlineMichigan Quarterly Review, Notre Dame Review, Washington Square Review, Puerto del Sol, Beloit Fiction Journal, South Carolina Review, and the Among Animals anthology. Other acceptances included a list in McSweeney’s Internet Tendency, a personal essay in Equus magazine, and a spot at a fully funded writing residency…)

So yes, my work was accepted by all those excellent publications . . . and also rejected another 215 times.

~ Excerpt from, “Doubling the Rejection Goal: How I Received 215 Rejections in 2015,” by Laura Maylene Walter

Yes, it was damp and raw, bleak. Oh, November. I walked this morning, focusing on my breath and being mindful of my steps. Sang a little. Trying to lighten my attitude. Charleston. Woke me WAY too early to be fed and and let out, and I grumbled and got up, too early. But, what was really hounding my mood was simple to diagnose. Ego. So, in the meadow, I let myself focus on the light evoked by the downy soft milkweed. And the tree bark, light and dark. Once I was home, dressed for a day of work, after this time, I felt my mood improve. My energy increased. I had a really nice day, working. And tonight, I love my monthly writer’s critique group that I run online. Wow. We had a really intimate connection, thanks for the writers, their bravery, their vulnerability, making our time a safe place with each other, for sharing and for craft. Exquisite. A poet friend shared about rejection on Facebook today - her frustration. I was grateful for her honesty. She’s a wonderful poet. So, we’re all in the same club. Doing our best, taking risks, sending out the work – doing the footwork. I sent something out this morning. I was not chosen for a contest. Tomorrow, will send something else out. For now, catch up on sleep, as soon as I can round up that Charlie, out barking in the woods, and tuck him in for the night.

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