This morning, my walk started before sunrise in moonlight. Awake at 3:30 a.m., my husband leaving for airport, I woke early and was unable to get back to sleep. Restless. The dogs too. We drove up to Medfield State to watch the sun come up; I was avoiding the woods in the dark because I didn't want to run into a coyote. The sun rose over the misty meadow, and I felt peaceful after having awoken feeling acutely irritable. Everything fresh and warm, half lit and full bloom changed my mood and lifted my spirits. We walked long and hard before it turned hot. It wasn't a writing day, there were errands and e-mails and appointments and a special chat with a dear friend just returned from vacation. And especially, a long swim on the pond with my daughter in the hot late afternoon. I found an hour to work on a new poem to share in a poetry group online tonight. My poetry pals, one in Texas, one in Mississippi, I met them almost a year ago at the Tupelo Truchas poetry retreat and we meet monthly. I risked bringing this brand new poem, such a rough first draft, and they were kind and helpful and I saw how far I have to go to get to what I'm getting at - but I trust I'll find the jewel I feel is hidden in it. The poems they shared were exceptional and enriched my evening, even though I'm overtired and thought I wouldn't have the energy. Instead, our time working on poems gave me energy, like the meadow, this morning, in full bloom.