Poet, Playwright, Workshop Facilitator
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Welcome to daily nature photo and creative writing blog, #NewThisDay

Welcome to my daily nature photo blog

Writing from My Photo Stream ~ Kelly DuMar


#NewThisDay Writing From My Photo Stream

Rose Garden, Allentown

Rose Garden, Allentown

Despite living and writing and teaching in the midst of these dozens of dynamic, interesting, vital and diverse women, I have kept my walking time in the early mornings to myself. For self-reflection. For mindfulness. For being awake and aware of the day, of nature, being in the company of the trees and flowers, the dew and the natural bodies of water, like this creek that runs through the center of the park. I walk around it. The ducks paddle and dip, paddle and dip. And this is my necessary, solitary, spirit filled time of the day; my time of presence. But, I have also been keeping my promise to myself to dive deeper into friendships and encounters with women I want to know better. Challenging myself to not be too tired or too introverted to connect with someone at every meal who I want to listen to, and talk to and get to know. Today, lunch and dinner both allowed for this, and I'm grateful for being filled up with new friendships. My work in the play lab this year is well planned, and benefits from lessons learned. It's swimming along, and I have paced out the process in wise ways so that I am so much less breathless by juggling too much. All of this experience here brings me energy. The fine writers, the women who risk so much and care so much and support each other so enthusiastically and with so much talent and thoughtful ideas. It's a joy to experience the progression of their stories and deepening of the guidance they can offer each other. Now, to sleep and dream, my heart and mind full of creative blessings.


All photos and text ©Kelly DuMar 2018

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