Poet, Playwright, Workshop Facilitator
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Welcome to daily nature photo and creative writing blog, #NewThisDay

Welcome to my daily nature photo blog

Writing from My Photo Stream ~ Kelly DuMar


#NewThisDay Writing From My Photo Stream

For this morning's walk, I'm most grateful to this ocean slicked heart stone glowing up at me from the sand. Because later in the day, when I let my mind turn and turn and turn over and cycle and circle and stay in a pattern of stuck-ness about something troubling me, the image of the heart stone was present in my awareness. Tonight, I went looking for some wisdom about wanting a change of heart, and this is what I found that helps immensely to grow some change in my heart:

Being stuck serves a spiritual purpose. It’s a bountiful harvest for transformation to occur. It tells us that a change is needed. More than any type of outward change, what’s really being asked of us is an inner change. It could be a change of heart, change of priorities, a change of beliefs, or even a change of perspective.
— Dana Arcuri, Reinventing You: Simple Steps to Transform Your Body, Mind, & Spirit
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