Poet, Playwright, Workshop Facilitator
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Welcome to daily nature photo and creative writing blog, #NewThisDay

Welcome to my daily nature photo blog

Writing from My Photo Stream ~ Kelly DuMar


#NewThisDay Writing From My Photo Stream

Maybe I won't get up early for my walk, I think, before sleeping, but I always do. Up late, after a hugely exciting day yesterday, I thought, perhaps, I might need to sleep in, I might oversleep. But no, the birds are singing the morning in outside the casement window. My husband is awake, my daughter, too, across the hall, and so the three of us set off on a bright morning, soft air, warm and inviting, and we go down and down and down the winding road to the river, l'Eyrieux, and we cross the bridge over the shallow, rocky rushing river below us, and then we are in the sweet, charming village of Saint-Fortunat-sur-Eyrieux, and there is a cafe, and so, we sit, happy, grateful, wide awake. 

Restless while they finish their coffee, I explore the village with my camera and find this one of the stairs, and many, many more. But the Internet is slow, slow, slow here, and so, I will have to post them another day, because I love them and want them here where they belong to this special day.

We climb the hill to our friends' villa and have another breakfast outdoors. The sun is hot now, and we relax, but after lunch my other daughter wants a walk. So my daughters and I, once again, cheerfully singing, descend the winding road to the river, to the bridge, to the village, to the cafe. 

We must stop in front of a shuttered window where my daughter Franci insists we must replicate the exact pose of a sister's picture taken in this exact spot on a previous trip here six summers ago. I don't have those downloaded yet, but I have this one she took of her big sister and will post the others soon. Hmmm. What a lucky mother I am. I do not take this for granted. Not for a single moment.

We find a path down to the river, and it's raining now, lightly, and passes quickly. We have a deck of cards, a lazy afternoon; our last in this spectacular place, for now.


[Updated: Following pictures posted June 4]

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