I slept late and woke up to a new view, a palm tree, stunning clouds, a green, green yard, the Atlantic. I think I will walk, and the landlord of our villa shows me how to get to the spectacular nature trail nearby, but instead, I want to see a bit of the island by car with my husband, to get our bearings and visit a patisserie.
We arrived by plane to Martinique after dark; it was after 11 p.m. by the time we found our way to Le Robert from Fort de France. By afternoon I still have not walked, and I have the time, but not the inclination. There are, perhaps, one, maybe two days of the year when I am unable to take a walk. This is one of them. I am able, but I am so comfortable resting and reading and dipping into the pool. I let myself deeply relax in the hot sun, the warm breeze, I am landing in the Caribbean: body, mind, spirit.