#NewTjhisDay Writing From My Photo Stream
On this morning after rain, before today's journey, the dogs and I walk in the wet woods and I listen to a podcast. I have already heard all the news headlines of the week, but on Saturdays, I like to listen to On Point's analysis, recorded on Fridays – smart thinkers trying to make sense of a week's political news. Politics don't bother Charlie & Suzi, who are completely captivated by their sense of smell.
For me, there's always a fascinating take-away from the podcast for me to chew on. Today's food for thought is something Jack Beatty says about a world leader who has gotten a lot of press this week during his visit to Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Jerusalem and Italy, after this leader referred to the Manchester, England terrorists as "losers." Beatty laments
“the pathetic paucity of his moral vocabulary.”
Which makes me wonder - what words are in my own moral vocabulary?
In spring woods, my vocabulary is simple:
fern rock leaf fungus wildflower pink!
All photos and text copyright Kelly DuMar 2017