As a Board member and membership chair, I’m pleased to be hosting this Open House for women writers at Bookstore1in Sarasota, Florida on February 6, 2019 at 5 p.m.
Meet, Greet, Write, Eat! A Florida Regional IWWG Open House
Over forty years ago, the International Women’s Writing Guild was created to encourage women too often silenced in traditional roles to write their stories and speak their words aloud. We exist so that women may find their voices and learn the art and craft of writing in community with other women. We exist to witness the stories of other women expressed through any genre, to let them know their words and stories are not only encouraged but honored. Offering some of the only women-focused, face-to-face and online writing conferences in the country, The Guild brings together women of most every age, race, and ethnicity, working in most every genre, to learn, share, risk, and grow in a community distinguished by generosity of spirit, unconditional acceptance, and collaboration.