Psychodrama, Writing, & Imagination: Playful Tools for Healing, Growth, & Change, Ferry Beach, Saco, Maine
Psychodrama is a powerful – and playful - modality for healing, growth, role-training and personal/community transformation. Psychodramatic tools are marvelously creative and can be applied with dynamic results in (1) writing workshops (2) therapeutic relationships, and (3) in the development of your own writing. In this workshop, you’ll be introduced to key elements of psychodrama (role reversal, doubling, auxiliary roles, surplus reality, empty chair & more) and have the chance to practice psychodrama based writing warm-ups for use in a variety of settings. No background in psychodrama is necessary and 1.5 training hours may be earned.
Kelly DuMar, M.Ed. is a playwright and poet who facilitates creative writing & expressive arts workshops across the US. Her poems are published widely in literary journals and her plays are published by dramatic publishers. Kelly’s newest chapbook, Tree of the Apple, was published by Two of Cups Press in 2107. Kelly is a certified psychodramatist and a Fellow in the American Society for Group Psychotherapy & Psychodrama. She serves on the board and faculty of the International Women’s Writing Guild and she facilitates Sparks!, a bi-monthly poetry, story, and song videoconference for TLAN. Her website is
To Register for the Power of Words Conference: Go here
More About Why to Attend the POWER OF WORDS Conference, Ferry Beach, Saco, Maine Aug. 18-20
Join us August 18th-20th, 2017 at Ferry Beach in Saco, Maine for our 14th Power of Words Conference: Transformation, Liberation, and Celebration Through the Spoken, Written, and Sung Word, with workshops, performances, talking circles, celebration, and more, featuring writers, storytellers, performers, musicians, community leaders, activists, educators, and health professionals.
The conference, founded in 2003, features workshops in four tracks: narrative medicine, social change, right livelihood (and making a living through the arts), ecological literacy, and engaged spirituality.