Our Voices - The 10th Annual Festival in Words & Pictures
The "Daytime" Playwright Presenters: Vannessa Greenleaf, Fabiola Decius, Kelly DuMar, Mara Elissa Palma, Carole Frohlich, Linda Hanley Finigan, Anne Marilyn Lucas, Lynda Blair Vernalia, M. Lynda Robinson, Debbie Wiess, Sue Huggans, Wokie Kajota (also, not pictured here Cassie Seinuk & Mickey Coburn)
Our Voices X Participants Share their Appreciation for the 10th Annual Day-long Festival of Boston Area Women Playwrights in the Ruth Nagel Jones Theatre, Wellesley College,
Produced by Kelly DuMar
Sept. 17, 2016
“I think this was the best of all the Our Voices celebrations I’ve ever attended! What a rich cornucopia of women’s works! I enjoyed the company of old and new friends. Thank you for a wonderful day!”
“I was in awe of how much brain-power and spirit . . . assembled in that room.”
“It was a remarkable day. . . What makes the whole event so special to me is the profound commitment. . . to mutual support and appreciation. Thank you. . . for the logistics and the hours of preparation but also for that very special spirit of collaboration and encouragement.”
Many thanks to Nora Hussey and Wellesley College for generous use of the Ruth Nagel Jones Theatre and for many years making Our Voices possible
“It was an inspiring day and I feel lucky to have celebrated our work together.”
“. . . all of the plays this weekend had wonder and magic in them and you are all jewels in my box of life’s treasures.”
“... thanks for all the writers who came, and listened, and read their work, and - with great generosity - encouraged each other to keep on keeping on!! ”
“I also want to thank my fellow playwrights and performing artists for sharing of your formidable talents.”
“It really was impressive and so well organized and facilitated, and I’m so glad I came for the day as well as the evening. I had some interesting conversations. . . It was fascinating to hear the ‘social issues’ which are occupying people’s minds, and to hear, yet again, the multiple generational perspectives. I hope at some point the differences and overlaps might get explored more intentionally as I think both ends of the age spectrum have a lot to learn from each other.”
“Thank you for a wonderful day [that] helped everyone to gain insight into their work!”
Playwrights from left: Fabiola Decius, Andrea Fleck Clardy, Phyllis Rittner and Cassie Seinuk
“. . . A fascinating day altogether. I really appreciated all the feedback,which will keep me busy for quite a while! Thank you so much for all your efforts in putting this on. . . ”
“OVT is really a very special gift to us all. I was so pleased to be a part of it again, sharing work, thoughts and ideas, and encouraging and supporting each other. It is a wonderfully rewarding and inspiring experience and great coming together. ”
“I so appreciate all the very helpful feedback and encouraging comments I received. I have been given much to think about as I gear up to revisit my new full length project. ”
“I just wanted to say a big, heartfelt thank you. . . for. . . the juggernaut that is Our Voices, and for inviting me to be a part of it.”
“It was a MAGNIFICENT DAY. I feel so chuffed to be able to rub shoulders with so many accomplished women playwrights...”
“The word is out that this is an event not to be missed.”
The Daytime Play Presentations & Discussion
The playwrights who presented work include: Vannessa Greenleaf, Fabiola Decius, Kelly DuMar, Mara Elissa Palma, Carole Frohlich, Linda Hanley Finigan, Anne Marilyn Lucas, Lynda Blair Vernalia, M. Lynda Robinson, Debbie Wiess, Sue Huggans, Wokie Kajota (also, not pictured here Cassie Seinuk & Mickey Coburn). We're grateful for the generous and talented actors who share their gifts with us.
The Evening of Staged Readings Played to a Full House
We were pleased to have a full house for the evening of staged readings by selected playwrights, including Lida McGirr, Phyllis Rittner, Hortense Gerardo, Kelly DuMar, Ann Marie Shea, Andrea Fleck Clardy, Rosanna Yamagiwa Alfaro, Griffen Hoyle & Deniz Khateri
Act II - True Story Theater of Arlington, MA Performed
This year's theme was "Theatre as a Medium of Social Change." Inspired by Diane Paulus and the A.R.T.'s practice of involving the audience by providing an "Act II" - consisting of facilitated discussions after the play performances, this year Kelly invited True Story Theater to facilitate audience sharing & "play back" spontaneous & heartfelt audience responses to the plays about social change, as pictured below.
All photos taken by Kelly DuMar 2016
For more information about the Our Voices or to be added to the mailing list and call for submissions, please contact kellydumar@kellydumar.com or call me at 508-647-0596. I look forward to seeing you all next year!