Kelly DuMar

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#NewThisDay Writing From My Photo Stream

Mindful at the morning brook in the presence of trees

A change of plan for my day: pitching in to have the day with the Special One who is slightly under the weather and cannot go to school. My minutes and hours, from waking to sleeping, all his, and my whole heart in it. There are new blooms to see/smell/touch and we walk around the yard and property to sight them. Sandbox time. Frog pond time. Tractor sitting time where it’s parked behind the barn. Lunch time. Tumbling time. Sliding time. Running, spinning, dancing time. Go to the market time, not has happy as other time. Nap time. And going into the city to visit my youngest after her internship time. A walk to Za for butternut squash pizza in Arlington time, and Easter sugar cookie time at Quebrada Bakery. Standing in the rain time at dusk. Bath time. Tumble time, and bed time. For both of us.