Kelly DuMar

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#NewThisDay Writing From My Photo Stream

Gradually, through my scientific work, I was able to put my fantasies, and the contents of the unconscious, on a solid footing. Words and paper, however, did not seem real enough to me. Something more was needed. I had to achieve a kind of representation in stone of my innermost thoughts and of the knowledge I had acquired. Or, to put it another way, I had to make a confession of faith in stone. That was the beginning of the tower, the house which I built for myself at Bollingen.”  

~ C. G. Jung, Memories, Dreams, Reflections

Acorn and Hat

Early awake, and happy to feel awake. Today, I want to walk and notice things and take my time and bend down, get close up, notice at all the fine, natural, tiny, beauties. The acorns on the ground captivate me. They have taken off their hats. I walk to my heart’s content, and then take a long swim. Today is my Charles River Writers and my preparations are done so I don’t have to rush. We have, as usual, a powerful writing workshop probing the theme of cornucopia and abundance. I am reading, well, listening to, Memories, Dreams and Reflections, by Jung. The quote above really caught my attention this morning as I walked: “I had to make a confession of faith in stone.” Stunning. I picked the special one up and we stopped in the Barber Reservation for a brief hike. Oh, Charlie. Slipped out of his collar and got us in a ruckus with a tractor mowing the field. Walked into the day darkening over the field where I walked and x-country skied regularly when we lived in this neighborhood. Walked with my young children here and Flash, our family dog before Charlie, before Suzi. All seasons, I rambled. As we reach the car on our return the white mushroom cap moon is rising.

Barber Reservation near dusk