Kelly DuMar

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#NewThisDay Writing From My Photo Stream

Charles River morning view, trestle bridge

“April splinters like an ice palace.”

― Ruth Stone

We wake early to the snow falling thickly in the early light. This would have been our first day home from Longboat Key. Strange to realize we would have been coming home to snow. April snow passes so quickly away it’s hard to mind it. It’s muddy and noisy in the woods, along the river. This is a very noisy snow. Little baby fists of snow pelting the river. My boots squinch noisily along. A week ago we were in Easter weekend, welcoming spring and the garden. My feet, wet from the puddled trail, were blocks of ice when I returned. I prepped for the webinar I’m producing for the Guild next week. I was tired today and napped as the snow settled into melting. The house was quiet and we all fell into a dreamy day of very little activity. The river was exceptionally gorgeous. Frank built a fire that roared through the afternoon and into the evening. I am glad and grateful to be home, in any weather.