Kelly DuMar

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#NewThisDay Writing From My Photo Stream

Meadow Morning

A friend texts me early for a walk and I say yes, so by 7:30 a.m. we’re at Medfield State with our dogs under the clouds, and I take one picture, in the meadow, this enchanting scene, but when I am with a friend we have so much to say and my stopping for pictures is a solitary activity. This company, and deep conversation about writing and injuries and recovery and competition and self-care; it’s all just what I need this morning. And the four dogs having their play date in the heavenly meadow. Once home, I resist only a little before opening my newest poem. I need a draft for a master class tomorrow. Will it be ready? It’s a very rough draft, but there’s something - enough - that I know I’ll finish it, improve it, keep at it. There’s something I’m solving; maybe it’s a kind of companion piece to my piece from earlier in the week about spirituality - Great Rock Bight, The Sound. It’s a busy day and I have plans I’ve put off all week, waiting for sunshine, to take a practice course ride on my bike for Sunday’s triathlon. There are only brief flashes of sun through the low clouds, but it’s warm and not raining, and so I go, and I ride the course backwards. I think it’s a good strategy: I want the ride on Sunday to feel fresh, but I will also now feel, oh, I can do this, I just did it. Thankfully, the trail on back roads through so much nature is very nourishing with lovely view, few cars, lots of quiet and peace. I take it slow and I’m happy to finish feeling plenty of energy. And the rest of the day I feel like I have plenty - more than before.

Charles River, Claybrook Road, Dover