Kelly DuMar

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#NewThisDay Writing From My Photo Stream

I love this Roethke poem. I’m craving my leafy mind to unfurl. It warmed up to fifty. There was some rain early this morning and sleet even. But the ice and snow are melting. I never got outdoors really, though, it was a busy day. I had a good swim though. A great client writing session. Group admin. And tonight, made dinner, had everyone but my son. I’m kind of pooped tonight. Franci beat me at ping pong before I had to run and lead my Journal of Expressive Writing Feature & Open mic which was powerful as usual. My time with Wave, as always, exceptional. This morning we played fighting dinosaurs as soon as he woke up before breakfast and making his lunch. I did pick up today. Tonight I have a sudden headache that’s telling me to sleep. Immediately. Now. With gratitude for this day.