Kelly DuMar

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#NewThisDay Writing From My Photo Stream

and yes, the soul

must part from the body:

what else could it do?

~ From Jane Kenyon, Twilight After Haying

A Sunday in January. Time to write my weekly prompt before I go out. The morning runs long before I eat and walk. There is a lot of ice and a little blue in the sky above. I take my time. Then I swim. Today I go into my office, restored, from my daughter working out, for the first time since she left. To work. Settling into the quiet. It’s quite remote. I feel pleasantly, and a little guiltily, cut off. And I write a new poem that pretty easily comes. Break for lunch. Return to the poem to go deeper. Finish a strong draft, but I send a different poem this week for workshop tomorrow. Two new poems in one week. Good. I do some work on the new manuscript. It seems I have self-declared this room my retreat to work on the book. Feeling full, I make veggie pancakes with carrot and zuccini as well a treat that I have promised Wave on his return: Rice Crispy treats. He agrees to taste my veggie pancake, but doesn’t like it. More veggie than pancake and no syrup. Frank makes him a dinner he prefers: spaghetti and tomato sauce and garlic bread. But the treat after his dinner is a win.