Kelly DuMar

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#NewThisDay Writing From My Photo Stream

It was quite satisfying to decide to walk to the meadow with Charlie instead of swimming. Overcast sky. They have mowed the meadow where I walk over the trestle bridge, over the river. All the Queen Anne’s Lace. Then, by the wetlands, every year the tiger lilies that bloom wild amidst the swamp milkweed and the button bush. But the absolutely highest point of my day was taking Wave to his swim lesson, and then seeing him swim underwater, all around the pool, free and confident as could be for an hour after. And I realized the absolute magic of swimming is being comfortable under water. Pure joy. He has accomplished what I hoped he would in these lessons. I stood watching him––hadn’t worn my suit––in the rain. It was pleasant and warm. All day, the clouds and the warmth and the happiness of knowing he is a swimmer––for a lifetime.