Kelly DuMar

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#NewThisDay Writing From My Photo Stream

Tonight, windows are open. This morning, they were closed, with air on. I remembered right away that today is Frank’s birthday, but he is not here. So, I made a picture collage to celebrate him and sent it off to him with birthday wishes. We will celebrate this weekend when we are all together. I said, is it hard being away for your birthday? and he said, No, I love working. That’s Frank. Then I went off for my mile swim, the morning pond, and the water a bit too warm after this heat wave. Still, it was quiet and pleasant. Then I spent most of the day indoors, working, and leading my Israeli group and getting my newsletter drafted. And cleaning kitchen. And laundry. Casual dinner, leftovers, just me. Out to the gardens to water after dinner, I am super refreshed by the most delightful breeze. It’s cooling down and I opened the windows for a cross breeze to blow the lovely summer air through. Where did this day go and half the week gone too? July, please slow down! I set my new birdbath up and tried blocking the groundhog hole with rocks which they muscled aside––with what? Their heads? A sweet bunny munched something edible in the vegetable garden before running away from my watering. That breeze. That restorative breeze. Here’s what’s ecstatic in bloom: the bee balm, the butterfly weed, the hydrangea, in all varieties. And spearmint spreads and spreads. My son made peppermint tea which Wave loved. Tomorrow or Friday I will harvest zucchini and summer squash galore.