Kelly DuMar

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#NewThisDay Writing From My Photo Stream

Morning Brook

Today will be sunny and warm. Frank up before me. I find him sitting with Charlie in the cool air on the porch. There is sun on my back as I swim laps, early. Charlie is waiting for his walk. We pass all the weeds I need to pull, and get to the river, go to the brook. It’s all swelling. No sign of the mallards. My milkweed is thriving and coming into bloom, tall stalks. The day heats up. I return home and start to tackle the weeding and raking. Not with any direct method. Just digging in. I think I will never make any progress, but then I do. Things start to look better. I dump and dump and dump wagonloads of weeds. It’s summer, the summer weekend, quintessential. My son and daughter join me, we ride to Nirvana Tea House so they can get drinks on my way to buy a few plants. I want more herbs, but don’t find what I’m looking for. By mid-afternoon I am quite tired from all the clean up and wagon pulling and weed pulling. I start to take a nap, but my daughter wants to look at an open house. I join her, and grab a brief nap in the car. Tonight, I write this with my eyes half closed with sleep. Play Lab tonight; small, intimate, productive. Best part of the day: Wave, Wave, Wave comes home for dinner and after the Play Lab we wrestle joyfully on the yoga mats and I read Make Way for the Ducklings. How wonderful to be home.