#NewThisDay Writing From My Photo Stream
A day of so many moods and shifts, as Christmas approaches. Awake early with Frank. The pleasant surprise of a warm room and switches that turn lights on, and coffee pots that can be plugged in to drip coffee. I go off for a swim and I do my mile, but without the spark I like to feel. Powering through. No time to walk Charlie, and I really missed not getting out to see the river and brook ice, as I knew it would be wonderful. But Wave had a concert at his school to get to and he needed his dipping egg and hot chocolate and we somehow bustled him out the door on time. Then a rush, for myself, to get there to hear him sing the holiday songs with his classmates. His mother always, at this age, stood up with the class but refused to open her mouth. No mouthing words.No smile! But this boy of hers sings loud and with great concentration and with a sense of the importance of this project. A lovely time. Then a dash to meet friends and a lunch in Boston and my friend drove, thank goodness, because I needed a break. My friend is in from San Francisco and a few of us met with her for a wonderful, festive talk and connection at Citrus and Salt. Then another dash home for Christmas Eve prep. Tonight, Santa arrives in this house as Wave will not be with us for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. Frank made crab legs and steak and swordfish, a feast for a family dinner, and Wave the happiest of all about the crab. Of course, after dinner, me and Frank had all of our wrapping to do. I was tired today, grateful today, busy today, only slightly snappish today. I was a good listener and supporter (my neighbor needed a hug) and I was tired and hopeful and honest and playful. Frank and I had to drive out to do a quick errand after our wrapping. Wave came with us. My hope was that he would fall asleep in the car so his mother could slip him effortlessly into bed to get her wrapping done. And we got the outcome we wanted and needed. At dinner my son said the water from the river was so high surrounding his tent that even galoshes up to his knees weren’t high enough and he had to kayak through the high water to get to his tent! The tent is still dry, but it’s sitting on some water. Sheesh. I had hoped we’d have some special time in the tent with him on Christmas Day. Unlikely the river will recede by then. Funny how they just got it up in time for the storm! Well, I better sign off, as Santa will not come until everyone in the house is asleep.