#NewThisDay Writing From My Photo Stream
Cormorant Wings, Vineyard Sound
Ten delicious hours of rest. Even Frank sleeps in. Even Charlie. A slow rising. A cool morning. Charlie and I go the long way to the Sound. It’s un-rumpled, glassy, blue of peace. We meet more people at this hour. Before walking I have taken a little time to start the draft of my poem for workshop tonight. After thinking about it all weekend, it was just ready to come and surprise me with its turns. I swam at Great Rock Bight. Charlie dove for rocks. The cormorants lifted off. I spent the day, most of it, writing. Got my poem done. Talks with loved ones. Went to Lucy Vincent, walked and swam. Green flag day, and all the body surfers disappointed with the flatness of the waves. In poetry workshop tonight, listening, probing, supporting each other’s writing, such warmth and respect and encouragement. Gratitude.