Kelly DuMar

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#NewThisDay Writing From My Photo Stream

Evening Stepping Stones, Charles River

Awake before the alarm. I have discovered a fascinating way of dreaming. Listening to podcasts while I sleep. I turn a podcast on that I want to listen to, and then drift off. But the podcasts keep playing from my library. And I begin dreaming what I am hearing, except in characters created from my own unconscious imagination. It’s quite entertaining, and only occasionally disturbing. Rain. Heavy rain. Yet, I had planned to swim early. So be it. I went up to the pool. It was quite pleasant and refreshing. The water was warmer than the air, and the pelt of raindrops on my shoulders and back was quite invigorating. Felt lovely to be back in the pool after a two-week break for my trip. It was the right start to a busy day, a non-stop day, a day of listening and facilitating, and critiquing. My Ukrainian support group deepens. Trust is building. It is quite emotional. The warm-up exercise, a writing prompt, draws out what needs to be shared, said, processed. I listen and reflect back what I hear. From so far away from each other, we are able to look deeply into each other’s eyes on Zoom. Tonight, I run my photo-inspired free-write, and this goes very well. It’s nearly dark. My legs need stretching. There is a waxing moon, not quite half-full I think. It’s rising above the pine trees in the darkening yard. The river is absolutely still, placid, peaceful. I see the moon reflected on the still water. The air is moist and fresh. I started the day wondering how it could all get done. It’s dark as I cross the yard toward the house.