Kelly DuMar

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#NewThisDay Writing From My Photo Stream

Morning Wetlands

. . .i am Wíŋyaŋ Witkó
the love i carry is medicine and responsibility
for my people and the next seven generations
              i have sang and cried and danced at the sacred tree
              my sweat and blood given in prayer
              Inípi and Wiwáŋyaŋg Wacípi
and from these sacrifices i became a dying star
a Two Spirit storyteller full of light and matter
imagining a future where more stars grow and shine. . .

Taté Walker, Excerpt from “my pronouns are super/nova

Early arrivals, chaos in the kitchen. Somewhat cheerful at times, because the workmen are friendly. But I’m embarrassed when Frank and I have a speaker phone brief argument about where is a box full of stuff that the Best Buy people need today when they come and there are dozens of boxes and things are moved from place to place and how in heaven’s name can I find this box? I have moved a client to 8:00 a.m. thinking I can swing it. But now instead of connecting with her I am looking for a mysterious box. Which I find. And the day goes on just as chaotically, but there are wonderful things being done to the house. I try to keep my irritability in check and I’m mostly successful, especially while I am in the pool, a lane of my own, swimming laps. And also while I am walking in the wetlands spending time with the ice formations on the brook. Also, during a Zoom Reiki treatment my wonderful psychodramatist Nina enacts with me as part of our session. And, during yoga tonight with my small yoga buddy who brings his own mat from his mother’s room. The Journal of Expressive Writing Open Mic feature tonight with indigenous poet, Taté Walker is really, really powerful. They are an expressive performer of their writing, and their poems are so explosively imaginative and honest and startling and revelatory. Quite a night. Met with my friend Eileen to share poems and comments this morning amidst the chaos. So many many bright spots in this day.