Kelly DuMar

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#NewThisDay Writing From My Photo Stream

From start to finish, indoors and out, in all ways, a lovely day for me to celebrate being born. And, to feel appreciated and cared for so well by family and friends. And to be in the misty warmth of a late October river and wetlands. My son called during my walk, to wish me a happy day, and we had a long talk about the upcoming holidays and what he’s comfortable doing with Covid, and we listened to each other’s feelings and thoughts and worked out a plan that left us both feeling heard, appreciated and cared for. All that sweetness. And then I led the Charles River Writers at my friend’s house, one of the members, because there was not way to have it here in this construction. And what a morning we had! The writing and sharing was exquisite. And then a surprise lunch followed, with delicious soup and flowers for me, and cookies baked by my Ukrainian friend, and salads and a birthday cake! It was delicious on all levels. In the afternoon, I gave myself a gift: I swam. I have moved away from my daily swim the past few weeks and I was determined to restart by doing laps today. I thought about going to Farm Pond but decided to be in the pool. And I felt terrific and so glad to be back swimming. A nice dinner at home with the family, except Frank is away, but we talked a few times and will celebrate on the weekend. More than six decades into my one “wild and precious life.”