Kelly DuMar

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#NewThisDay Writing From My Photo Stream

A two-hike day. What weather, like summer, almost. Took Charlie for a long walk late morning; spent hours in the yard playing with a young person who never wants to go inside. I brought in my geraniums. They are still so healthy and in bloom, and I enjoy seeing them in the yard. But I’m afraid the frost will get them and I need them to thrive indoors to cheer me through winter. A second hike in the afternoon with my daughter and my Ukrainian friend at Medfield State along the river and good conversation and a trip to Wellesley to Tatte where we had coffee and tea and bought baked goods for dinner with friends tonight. I worked for a half hour, fussed with a poem that’s on my mind, puzzling poem I am trying to solve. Every night I am so glad to climb into my own bed in my new room for a good night’s sleep.