#NewThisDay Writing From My Photo Stream
Craving change of scenery, I walk this morning, a good long wander, in the woods and meadow of the Medfield State Property with Charlie. Then, tonight, I return, with my daughter and the dogs, for a second walk after dinner. I want to see the sunflower garden again. They are blooming under the clocktower. In the afternoon, a dear friend had me and my friend who is moving soon for afternoon tea. Homemade scones, chine cups and saucers. The clocktower no longer tells time. The sunflowers bow to August. We drank our tea and trusted change is good and right and right on time. On the drive to Medfield tonight with my daughter for our walk I felt so fortunate to have her close, to have this time, even though I was tired from the day and comfortable on the couch and could have stayed in entirely. We are both mothers now.