Kelly DuMar

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#NewThisDay Writing From My Photo Stream

Everything blooming bows down in the rain:

white irises, red peonies; and the poppies

with their black and secret centers

lie shattered on the lawn.

~ Jane Kenyon, Excerpt from “Heavy Summer Rain”

It wasn’t raining, but it was wet, and I was just about to walk when Frank announced he was thinking of going to the tennis tournament in Newport, Rhode Island today. He invited me along. And I embraced the spontaneity and skipped my walk and went on a date instead. It was overcast, cooler, damp, of course, but perfect for watching tennis outdoors where the sun is often beating mercilessly on spectators and players in July. We talked all the way there; the time sped by. In the line to get in we ran into Frank’s tennis friends, two different sets, and so our whim became a fun chance to watch tennis with friends. Today, my body said, quietly to me, Kelly, it’s a day to take things easy. And I did. Watching the tennis was just right. And I didn’t even push myself to take a long walk on the cliff walk just nearby. I was just too tired for once and napped on the ride home. But, once home, I wanted to be in the woods. Except every trail on our property is blocked by the rise of the river and the brook. The vegetable garden is drenched, and I didn’t go inside. I didn’t have the energy to fuss over anything today. We have two red tomatoes, though, my daughter told me. My gardens are in lovely, deep, rich bloom, and that makes me feel happy for the flowers that are still standing. I am craving sunshine. And yet, the trees and all the plants are so lushly, lushly green, just looking at them cheers me. Bless the vegetables trying to grow on the sodden vines.