Kelly DuMar

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#NewThisDay Writing From My Photo Stream

A picture from the end of a day, my only picture. Taken in my field, looking toward the house from my walk to the river at dusk. Fiercesome and fascinating sky. like a yellow blaze above the blackened pines. After sending off my poem for Thursday workshop, I took a walk by myself to the river and back. A full day and a weary body and mind. I started this revision to the poem I’m bringing this morning, and sent it off tonight feeling okay about it. Do not like revising when I’m tired. It was irresistible this morning: I needed sand for the sandbox we’re putting in the garden and a few more plants. So, Frank agreed, and we went early to Home Depot. I skipped my walk. Bought swamp milkweed plants and other pollinators to make a rain garden within the garden. Also, plenty of pumpkin seedlings and a host of basil in three varieties for a kitchen garden of basil so we don’t have to go all the way out to the garden to get basil. Basil must be kept very handy in summer. Also, some sweet potato seedlings I bought. In the hotness I planted the basil and watered a few things and re-seeded the soil where I’m trying to grow grass that Charlie roughed up in his quest to be cool. I produced a webinar for IWWG with the poet Fleda Brown and wrote a lot for a poem I hope to work on. It was excellent. Then, went out into the garden where Frank had finished the sandbox. Lots of pleasing things today: very happy that I revised two of the poems from letters. This is the project pulling me close.