#NewThisDay Writing From My Photo Stream
The view of the sky from my daughter’s window, after dawn, this December morning, is a lovely view of smokey silver sky, bare branches, and evergreens. I am pleasantly surprised. We keep the blinds open. It’s a stiff body wake-up. But soon enough, my energy and fluidity comes. There is a busy kitchen. Soon, the house is bustling with workmen, the electrician, the man to pick up Frank’s clothes from his closet. I go out to the rive, and breathe, and look at the ice and the sky and the view I look at every day on the Charles, Death Bridge. It’s pretty as it is every day of the year. All this familiarity in the midst of change. I am grateful for this walk. My younger brother calls, and we have a chance to connect and catch up. On Christmas morning, he tells me, he had a dream of mom and dad, alive again, and he was so happy to see them. Well, this brought a tear to my eye, of course. Made me so happy to hear of his visitation. I told him about my special hike after dark with our older brother, the full moon rising and the shooting star. Order today, amidst chaos, inspections. I manage to get the cars unpacked of Christmas presents, laundry done and put away, dishes and dishes, always, the dishes! To create a sense of bedroom for me and Frank in my daughter’s room. Watering thirsty plants. Roasting a turkey my daughter bought before Christmas; easy. An errand after dinner with Frank. A car date to talk on the way to Home Depot for necessities. Sweet time to talk about all that is happening. I am so grateful to him for managing all the insurance and workmen in and out. Another day of gratitude.