#NewThisDay Writing From My Photo Stream
Ice Bouquet
It was bright, bright sun in the cold cold morning when I went out with the my comapnion, my daughter, visiting overnight. No wind, so comfortable, deep cold. The black ribbon of unfrozen water is gone from the river; all ice now, but not stable. In fact, on the edge of the river, just after I took my beautiful picture of what looks like an ice winter bouquet, my foot dropped through ice up to my knee. I pulled it quickly out, and my boot was full of ice water, so we had to head home right away. Still, I was glad for the picture which cheered me up all day, as if the florist had delivered a surprise. I have started a new series of photos, an impulse I followed yesterday and continued this morning. I am craving turquoise, the color of the sea. At first, it was an unclear impulse, to photograph the pool indoors. I wondered why I was having such a strong and sudden urge. But I followed it, feeling as if I was breaking some rule I have for myself: only photographing nature, outdoors. Still, I followed it. And this morning, realized, well, I’m simply missing being in Florida where I have been at this time for the past two years, and, before that, in Quadaloupe and then Martinique in the Caribbean, the two years before that in February. So, taking photos of the indoor pool are a way of being in the turquoise colors of the beach this time of year that I have been fortunate to experience. All day I felt the light, airy, warm, sunny satisfaction of the window into turquoise that my spirit–and my body–needs right now in this January freeze. We may get a big snowstorm Monday. This morning I had an e-mail from a journal that they are accepting a series of ice photos and one will be on the cover. It was pleasant to get my ice water boot off and warm myself by the fire much of the day. I did go out when I saw my son walking his dog in the yard, and stood outside for an hour, socially distanced, having a heart to heart, my toes going numb. It was worth it.