Kelly DuMar

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#NewThisDay Writing From My Photo Stream

Lily pad leaf heart in the wetlands

Dear George,

It was an exceptional day for my walk, and I took so many beautiful pictures in honor of you. Today is your first memorial service in Minneapolis. It was hot and sunny in the meadow. My dog, Charlie, met a bull frog in the middle of the dirt road. The bull frog leapt away to where he lives in the lily pad covered wetlands. We crossed the railroad tracks and walked there too. Today in the New York Times, I learned this from your friend:

“Witness Who Was in Floyd’s Car Says His Friend Did Not Resist Arrest

‘He was, from the beginning, trying in his humblest form to show he was not resisting in no form or way,’ said the friend, Maurice Lester Hall.”

And his words made me think of a picture I took in the meadow for you:

Lamb’s Tongue

Plantago lanceolata is used

in herbal teas and remedies.

Songbirds eat the seeds

and his words make me think of another picture I took for you:

Bladder campion

Fruit is a teardrop shaped capsule

when ripe it splits open at the top,

the 6 teeth flaring out.

Inside are kidney-shaped seeds,

black or nearly so.

It is also named the Grave Flower

or Flower of the Dead.

The lily pads were hundreds

thousands, shapes of greenly

curl-edged hearts.

A painted mother turtle on gravel

bowed her head

under a rust colored rail

and dug the hole for her nest

of eggs with her smart hind feet.

Suddenly, a shock

snapping turtle standing

in her fresh dug holel

with her bony plated tail,

trusting by instinct her ping pong white eggs

will survive the nest, all its hungry predators

and gestate to hatch and find their lone

way to swim the river in September.