I wake into a bit of anxiety. Transitions. A last walk by the Charles for a week. My to-do list runs in my head. Anyway, we go out. It’s a nice morning for photos: it’s overcast and muggy, but there is a rippling breeze across the river. I settle in. Pictures everywhere: new and beautiful blooms. Cheerful and delicate pink and white wild phlox blooms in the grass beside the railroad tracks at the bottom of the steep hill. Yes, I am the tiniest bit melancholy. Leave-taking, it’s inevitable. By the time I get to Allentown tomorrow afternoon, take my first walk, I will feel settled again. I will immerse myself in the habitat of IWWG at Muhlenberg and writing and teaching and talking and connecting and leading and dancing. . . the dress, the wedding dress top is bright and fresh, and we have an appointment with the seamstress in the late afternoon. Of course, this dress make-over, it’s a creative RISK. And, we were hopeful. We imagined what it could be. But when my daughter tries it on, it’s not working. None of us wants to accept this immediately. We try to like it. We leave with another appointment planned, but we’re all quite doubtful this can work. What is next. Who knows? A solution will come. It will work itself out. But for today, this risk seems to have failed. But we will see how we feel when we all sleep on it and think about it. There will be a dress. There will be the next right thing. In the woods along the trail the wild blueberries that were tiny little blossoms weeks ago are ripe and ready to be eaten.